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Published October 10, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Numerical data for "Fragility of the magnetic order in the prototypical altermagnet RuO2"

  • 1. ROR icon TU Wien
  • 2. ROR icon George Mason University
  • 3. ROR icon Goethe University Frankfurt


This dataset contains the numerical data accompanying the "Fragility of the magnetic order in the prototypical altermagnet RuO2" paper.
Computations were performed using VASP 6.3.2 and WIEN2k 21.1 packages.

It contains the data and gnuplot scripts used to plot Figures 2-6, i.e the dependence of the total energy and local magnetization at the Ru site as a function of the effective Hubbard U parameter for RuO2, the magnetic anisotropy as a function of angle, projected non-magnetic density of states onto Ru d-orbitals, spin-polarized total density of states for majority spin as a function of the effective U parameter and the dependence of local atomic magnetization on hole doping and the effective U parameter.

To produce the figure one simply runs gnuplot script.gnu command with script.gnu a placeholder for a relevant script name.
In the case of VASP computations, the total energy is reported in OUTCAR file at the line containing the free  energy   TOTEN  =  token, the local magnetization in the block after the magnetization token, the effective U parameter is Ueff = U - J, where U and J are defined by LDAUU and LDAUJ tokens in the INCAR file and the hole doping is defined by altering the number of electrons in the system using NELECT token in the INCAR file.

The density of states is calculated using WIEN2k and is stored in case.dos?ev* files with case being a filename, ? be replaced with a number and * be either empty, up or dn.

The following POTCARs were used for VASP calculations:
md5sum                            name and location
91f4c7aab413b97880dee28c8d363ff5  potpaw_PBE.52/Ru_sv/POTCAR
38ce74bba1194bccd788f22d688bfc65  potpaw_PBE.52/O/POTCAR



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Is referenced by
Publication: arXiv:2310.06909 (arXiv)
Journal Article: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134424 (DOI)