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Published August 21, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
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3D Reconstruction Model of the Former Synagogue in the Schmalzhofgasse 3, Vienna (1883/84 | Architect: Max Fleischer)

  • 1. ROR icon TU Wien
  • 1. TU Wien


This record contains model data originally created in the framework of the masters' thesis of Georg Niessner & Peter Schilling at TU Wien (2004).

Facts: Association Synagogue of the Temple Association for the Districts of Mariahilf and Neubau | Erected 1883/84; dedicated on September 9, 1884 | Architect: Max Fleischer | Capacity: seating for 226 women and 322 men | Appearance: similar to the churches built by Friedrich Schmidt in brick–neo-Gothic style; triple-aisled building with implicit double tower façade at the west front

See also:

* City Guide --> https://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/978-3-643-90170-5

* Locations for comparison:

- Müllnergasse 21 - 1090 Vienna

- Neudeggergasse 12 - 1080 Vienna


Table of contents

The data set includes

- Modelling software: ArchiCAD *.PLA - Archive

- Rendering Software: ArtLantis *.ATLA - Archive

- Panoramic representation: *.HTML & *.PNO




The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Additional details

