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Published September 16, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

RAAV – Results of the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)

  • 1. ROR icon TU Wien
  • 2. ROR icon European Academy of Bozen


General description

As part of the project "RAAV - Rural Accessibility and Automated Vehicles" between the TU Vienna (Austria) and the EURAC institute (Bolzano, Italy), the listed data files serve to summarise the results of the stakeholder's integration process based on a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).

Context and methodology

In the RAAV project, five autonomous vehicles (AV)-based transport scenarios are designed in two rural areas, proposing autonomous bus lines, on-demand rideshare vans, and hybrid combinations of both over time and space. Their accessibility impacts are estimated through a modified space-time accessibility model, to highlight the most promising scenarios. Finally, a stakeholder integration process is conducted to complement the assessment of the AV scenarios and derive policy recommendations for those considered most preferable based on the accessibility model and stakeholder view.

The accessibility model results and the travel diaries on which this research is based on can be accessed here: 

Technical details

The dataset contains two Microsoft Excel files (one for Mühlwald, one for Sooß) containing multiple data sheets. In order to ensure data protection the stakeholder names have been deleted from the dataset. Other than Microsoft Excel, there is no additional software needed to investigate the data.


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Related works

Is derived from
Dataset: 10.48436/hq7b7-xsa12 (DOI)
Dataset: 10.48436/k1ce7-hrt53 (DOI)